
Format Options

A format option is passed to the --format option of the mythx root command. E.g.:

$ mythx --format json-pretty report ab9092f7-54d0-480f-9b63-1bb1508280e2

This will print the report for the given analysis job UUID in pretty-printed JSON format to stdout. Currently the following formatters are avialable:

  • simple (default): Print the results in simple plain text (easy to grep). This does not include all result data but a subset of it that seems relevant for most use-cases.
  • json: Print all of the result data as a single-line JSON string to stdout.
  • json-pretty: The same as json, just pretty-printed, with an indentation of two spaces and alphabetically sorted object keys.


By default the MythX CLI authenticates the user under the free trial account. This means that no account needs to be created on first use. Simply run an analysis, fetch the results and enjoy the free MythX service!

Of course, registering for a free MythX account and upgrading come with additional perks <>. If you have set up an account, head over to the MythX analysis dashboard <>. Head to your Profile settings and enter your password in the MythX API Key section. You will be able to copy a new API access token once it has been generated. Set the environment variable MYTHX_ACCESS_TOKEN with your JWT token and start using the MythX CLI as authenticated user. You will be able to see all your submitted analyses, their status, reports, and more on the dashboard.

Note that you can also pass the JWT token directly to the CLI via the --access-token option. For security reasons it is however recommended to always pass the token through a pre-defined environment variable or a shell script you source from.

Alternatively, username and password can be used for authentication. This functionality is considered deprecated due to security concerns and will be removed from the MythX API in the future. For compatibility reasons it has been included, however. The username corresponds to the Ethereum address the MythX account has been registered under, and the password is the one that the user can set in the MythX dashboard. Both can be passed with the --eth-address and --password option respectively, or by setting the MYTHX_ETH_ADDRESS and MYTHX_PASSWORD environment variables.

Note that if an access token is passed in directly as well, it will take precedence and no login with username and password is performed.

The Analysis Functionality

Usage: mythx analyze [OPTIONS] [TARGET]...

--async / --wait     Submit the job and print the UUID, or wait for
                     execution to finish
--mode [quick|full]
--help               Show this message and exit.

Submit a new analysis to MythX. This command works in different scenarios, simply by calling mythx analyze:

  1. Either truffle-config.js or truffle.js are found in the directory. In this case, the MythX CLI checks the <project_dir>/build/contracts path for artifact JSON files generated by the truffle compile command. For each artifact found a new job is submitted to the MythX API.
  2. If no Truffle project can be detected, the MythX CLI will automatically enumerate all Solidity files (having the .sol extension) in the current directory. A confirmation prompt will be displayed asking the user to confirm the submission of the number of smart contracts found. This is done to make sure a user does not accidentally submit a huge repository of Solidity files (unless they actually want it). For automation purposes the prompt can automatically be confirmed by piping yes into the command, i.e. yes | mythx analyze.
  3. To analyze specific Solidity files or bytecode, data can also explicitly be passed to the analyze subcommand. The two supported argument types are creation bytecode strings (beginning with 0x) and Solidity files (valid files ending with with .sol). The arguments can have arbitrary order and for each a new analysis request will be submitted.

If a Solidity file is analyzed in any of the given scenarios, the MythX CLI will attempt to automatically compile the file and obtain data such as the creation bytecode and the Solidity AST to enrich the request data submitted to the MythX API. This will increase the number of detected issues (as e.g. symbolic execution tools in the MythX backend can pick up on the bytecode), as well as reduce the number of false positive issues. The MythX CLI will try to estimate the solc version based on the pragma set in the source code.

Asynchronous Analysis

In any of the above scenarios the analyze subcommand will poll the MythX API for job completion and print the analysis report in the user-specified format. In some situations it might not be desired to wait for the results. The MythX CLI offers an option to only submit the analysis, print the job’s UUID, and exit. In any scenario, simply pass the --async flag. E.g. in the scenario of a Continuous Integration (CI) server the submitted UUIDs can be stored in the first step:

$ mythx analyze --async > uuids.txt

This file can be stored as a CI job artifact. Later, when the (potentially very exhaustive and long) analysis run has finished, the reports can be retrieved. This is done by simply providing the stored job IDs as an argument list to the mythx report command:

$ cat uuids.txt | xargs mythx report

Optionally, the format can be changed here as well, e.g. to JSON, to allow for easier automated processing further on.

Listing Past Analyses

Usage: mythx list [OPTIONS]

--number INTEGER RANGE  The number of most recent analysis jobs to display
--help                  Show this message and exit.

This subcommand lists the past analyses associated to the current user. Note that this functionality is not available for the default trial account to ensure the confidentiality of analyses submitted by its users.

By default this subcommand will list the past five analyses associated to the authenticated user account. The number of returned analyses can be updated by passing the --number option. It is worth noting that in its current version (v1.4.34.4) the API returns only objects of 20 analyses per call. If a number greater than this is passed to mythx list, the MythX CLI will automatically query the next page until the desired number is reached.

To prevent too many network requests, the maximum number of analyses that can be fetched it capped at 100.:

$ mythx list
UUID: ab9d5681-0283-4ac5-bedb-1d241b5f2bf5
Submitted at: 2019-09-13 14:21:15.063000+00:00
Status: Finished

UUID: f5e4b742-5c90-4ee2-9079-4efaec9d4e2c
Submitted at: 2019-09-13 14:21:13.582000+00:00
Status: Finished

UUID: a5f9d7c7-7d33-440d-bea7-6ad8e1b2b734
Submitted at: 2019-09-13 14:21:11.367000+00:00
Status: Finished

UUID: f66d3c91-bc77-49a2-9e84-7e00c8689b0f
Submitted at: 2019-09-13 14:21:07.076000+00:00
Status: Finished

UUID: f1164a4c-91a6-4d81-a12f-6519090cb81e
Submitted at: 2019-09-13 14:21:05.386000+00:00
Status: Finished

Fetching Analysis Reports

Usage: mythx report [OPTIONS] [UUIDS]...

--help  Show this message and exit.

This subcommand prints the report of one or more finished analyses in the user-specified format. By default, it will print a simple text representation of the report to stdout. This will alos resolve the report’s source map locations to the corresponding line and column numbers in the Solidity source file. This is only possible if the user has specified the source map in their request and is passing the Solidity source code as text.:

$ mythx report ab9092f7-54d0-480f-9b63-1bb1508280e2
UUID: ab9092f7-54d0-480f-9b63-1bb1508280e2
Title: Assert Violation (Low)
Description: It is possible to trigger an exception (opcode 0xfe). Exceptions can be caused by type errors, division by zero, out-of-bounds array access, or assert violations. Note that explicit `assert()` should only be used to check invariants. Use `require()` for regular input checking.

  mapping(uint256 => uint256[]) public estateLandIds;

Fetching Analysis Status

Usage: mythx status [OPTIONS] [UUIDS]...

--help  Show this message and exit.

This subcommand prints the status of an already submitted analysis.:

$ mythx --staging status 381eff48-04db-4f81-a417-8394b6614472
UUID: 381eff48-04db-4f81-a417-8394b6614472
Submitted at: 2019-09-05 20:34:27.606000+00:00
Status: Finished

By default a simple text representation is printed to stdout, more data on the MythX API’s status response can be obtained by specifying an alternative output format such as json-pretty.

Fetching API Version Information

Usage: mythx version [OPTIONS]

--help  Show this message and exit.

This subcommand hits the MythX API’s /version endpoint and obtains version information on the API. This can be especially useful for continuous scans as the backend tool capabilities of MythX are constantly being improved. This means that it’s a good idea to rerun old scans with newer versions of MythX as potentially more vulnerabilities can be found, false positives are removed, and additional helpful data can be returned.

The MythX team has included a hash of all versions so changes are easily noticed simply by comparing the hash an analysis has run under with the one returned by the API.:

$ mythx version
API: v1.4.34.4
Harvey: 0.0.33
Maru: 0.5.3
Mythril: 0.21.14
Hashed: 00c17c8b0ae13bebc9a7f678d8ee55db

This output can be adapted using the --format parameter as well to fetch e.g. JSON output for easier parsing.