Source code for mythx_cli.cli

"""The main runtime of the MythX CLI."""

import logging
import sys
import time
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path

import click

from mythx_cli import __version__
from mythx_cli.formatter import FORMAT_RESOLVER, util
from mythx_cli.payload import generate_bytecode_payload, generate_solidity_payload, generate_truffle_payload
from mythx_models.response import AnalysisListResponse, GroupCreationResponse, GroupListResponse
from pythx import Client, MythXAPIError
from pythx.middleware.group_data import GroupDataMiddleware
from pythx.middleware.toolname import ClientToolNameMiddleware

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("mythx-cli")

[docs]@click.pass_obj def write_or_print(ctx, data: str): if not ctx["output"]: click.echo(data) return with open(ctx["output"], "a+") as outfile: outfile.write(data + "\n") @click.option("--debug", is_flag=True, default=False, envvar="MYTHX_DEBUG", help="Provide additional debug output") @click.option( "--access-token", envvar="MYTHX_ACCESS_TOKEN", help="Your access token generated from the MythX dashboard" ) @click.option("--eth-address", envvar="MYTHX_ETH_ADDRESS", help="Your MythX account's Ethereum address") @click.option("--password", envvar="MYTHX_PASSWORD", help="Your MythX account's password as set in the dashboard") @click.option( "--staging/--production", default=False, hidden=True, envvar="MYTHX_STAGING", help="Use the MythX staging environment", ) @click.option( "--format", "fmt", default="table", type=click.Choice(FORMAT_RESOLVER.keys()), show_default=True, help="The format to display the results in", ) @click.option("--ci", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Return exit code 1 if high-severity issue is found") @click.option("-o", "--output", default=None, help="Output file to write the results into") @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, **kwargs): """Your CLI for interacting with \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param debug: Boolean to enable the `logging` debug mode :param access_token: User JWT access token from the MythX dashboard :param eth_address: The MythX account ETH address/username :param password: The account password from the MythX dashboard :param staging: Boolean to redirect requests to MythX staging :param fmt: The formatter to use for the subcommand output :param ci: Boolean to return exit code 1 on medium/high-sev issues :param output: Output file to write the results into """ ctx.obj = dict(kwargs) ctx.obj["retval"] = 0 toolname_mw = ClientToolNameMiddleware(name="mythx-cli-{}".format(__version__)) if kwargs["access_token"] is not None: ctx.obj["client"] = Client( access_token=kwargs["access_token"], staging=kwargs["staging"], middlewares=[toolname_mw] ) elif kwargs["eth_address"] and kwargs["password"]: ctx.obj["client"] = Client( eth_address=kwargs["eth_address"], password=kwargs["password"], staging=kwargs["staging"], middlewares=[toolname_mw], ) else: # default to trial user client ctx.obj["client"] = Client( eth_address="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", password="trial", staging=kwargs["staging"], middlewares=[toolname_mw], ) if kwargs["debug"]: for name in logging.root.manager.loggerDict: logging.getLogger(name).setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def group(): """Create, modify, and view analysis groups.""" pass def analysis(): """Get information on running and finished analyses.""" pass
[docs]def find_truffle_artifacts(project_dir): """Look for a Truffle build folder and return all relevant JSON artifacts. This function will skip the Migrations.json file and return all other files under :code:`<project-dir>/build/contracts/`. If no files were found, :code:`None` is returned. :param project_dir: The base directory of the Truffle project :return: Files under :code:`<project-dir>/build/contracts/` or :code:`None` """ output_pattern = Path(project_dir) / "build" / "contracts" / "*.json" artifact_files = list(glob(str(output_pattern.absolute()))) if not artifact_files: return None return [f for f in artifact_files if not f.endswith("Migrations.json")]
[docs]def find_solidity_files(project_dir): """Return all Solidity files in the given directory. This will match all files with the `.sol` extension. :param project_dir: The directory to search in :return: Solidity files in `project_dir` or `None` """ output_pattern = Path(project_dir) / "*.sol" artifact_files = list(glob(str(output_pattern.absolute()))) if not artifact_files: return None return artifact_files
@cli.command() @click.argument("target", default=None, nargs=-1, required=False) # allow multiple targets @click.option( "--async/--wait", # TODO: make default on full "async_flag", help="Submit the job and print the UUID, or wait for execution to finish", ) @click.option("--mode", type=click.Choice(["quick", "full"]), default="quick", show_default=True) @click.option("--group-id", type=click.STRING, help="The group ID to add the analysis to", default=None) @click.option("--group-name", type=click.STRING, help="The group name to attach to the analysis", default=None) @click.option("--min-severity", type=click.STRING, help="Ignore SWC IDs below the designated level", default=None) @click.option("--swc-blacklist", type=click.STRING, help="A comma-separated list of SWC IDs to ignore", default=None) @click.option( "--solc-version", type=click.STRING, help="The solc version to use for Solidity compilation", default=None ) @click.pass_obj def analyze(ctx, target, async_flag, mode, group_id, group_name, min_severity, swc_blacklist, solc_version): """Analyze the given directory or arguments with MythX. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param target: Arguments passed to the `analyze` subcommand :param async_flag: Whether to execute the analysis asynchronously :param mode: Full or quick analysis mode :param group_id: The group ID to add the analysis to :param group_name: The group name to attach to the analysis :param min_severity: Ignore SWC IDs below the designated level :param swc_blacklist: A comma-separated list of SWC IDs to ignore :param solc_version: The solc version to use for Solidity compilation :return: """ if group_id or group_name: group_mw = GroupDataMiddleware(group_id=group_id, group_name=group_name) ctx["client"].handler.middlewares.append(group_mw) jobs = [] if not target: if Path("truffle-config.js").exists() or Path("truffle.js").exists(): files = find_truffle_artifacts(Path.cwd()) if not files: raise click.exceptions.UsageError( ( "Could not find any truffle artifacts. Are you in the project root? " "Did you run truffle compile?" ) ) LOGGER.debug("Detected Truffle project with files:\n{}".format("\n".join(files))) for file in files: jobs.append(generate_truffle_payload(file)) elif list(glob("*.sol")): files = find_solidity_files(Path.cwd()) click.confirm("Do you really want to submit {} Solidity files?".format(len(files))) LOGGER.debug("Found Solidity files to submit:\n{}".format("\n".join(files))) for file in files: jobs.append(generate_solidity_payload(file, solc_version)) else: raise click.exceptions.UsageError( "No argument given and unable to detect Truffle project or Solidity files" ) else: for target_elem in target: if target_elem.startswith("0x"): LOGGER.debug("Identified target {} as bytecode".format(target_elem)) jobs.append(generate_bytecode_payload(target_elem)) continue elif Path(target_elem).is_file() and Path(target_elem).suffix == ".sol": LOGGER.debug("Trying to interpret {} as a solidity file".format(target_elem)) jobs.append(generate_solidity_payload(target_elem, solc_version)) continue else: raise click.exceptions.UsageError( "Could not interpret argument {} as bytecode or Solidity file".format(target_elem) ) uuids = [] with click.progressbar(jobs) as bar: for job in bar: # attach execution mode, submit, poll job.update({"analysis_mode": mode}) resp = ctx["client"].analyze(**job) uuids.append(resp.uuid) if async_flag: write_or_print("\n".join(uuids)) return for uuid in uuids: while not ctx["client"].analysis_ready(uuid): # TODO: Add poll interval option time.sleep(3) resp = ctx["client"].report(uuid) inp = ctx["client"].request_by_uuid(uuid) util.filter_report(resp, min_severity=min_severity, swc_blacklist=swc_blacklist) util.set_fail_on_high_severity_report(resp) ctx["uuid"] = uuid write_or_print(FORMAT_RESOLVER[ctx["fmt"]].format_detected_issues(resp, inp)) sys.exit(ctx["retval"]) @analysis.command("status") @click.argument("uuids", default=None, nargs=-1) @click.pass_obj def analysis_status(ctx, uuids): """Get the status of an already submitted analysis. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param uuids: A list of job UUIDs to fetch the status for """ for uuid in uuids: resp = ctx["client"].status(uuid) write_or_print(FORMAT_RESOLVER[ctx["fmt"]].format_analysis_status(resp)) @group.command("list") @click.option( "--number", default=5, type=click.IntRange(min=1, max=100), # ~ 5 requests à 20 entries show_default=True, help="The number of most recent groups to display", ) @click.pass_obj def group_list(ctx, number): """Get a list of analysis groups. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param number: The number of analysis groups to display :return: """ client: Client = ctx["client"] result = GroupListResponse(groups=[], total=0) try: offset = 0 while True: resp = client.group_list(offset=offset) if not resp.groups: break offset += len(resp.groups) result.groups.extend(resp.groups) if len(result.groups) >= number: break # trim result to desired result number LOGGER.debug( result = GroupListResponse(groups=result[:number], except MythXAPIError: raise click.UsageError( ( "This functionality is only available to registered users. " "Head over to and register a free account to " "list your past analyses. Alternatively, you can look up the " "status of a specific job by calling 'mythx analysis status <uuid>'." ) ) write_or_print(FORMAT_RESOLVER[ctx["fmt"]].format_group_list(result)) @group.command("status") @click.argument("gids", default=None, nargs=-1) @click.pass_obj def group_status(ctx, gids): """Get the status of an analysis group. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param gids: A list of group IDs to fetch the status for """ for gid in gids: resp = ctx["client"].group_status(group_id=gid) write_or_print(FORMAT_RESOLVER[ctx["fmt"]].format_group_status(resp)) @group.command("open") @click.argument("name", default="", nargs=1) @click.pass_obj def group_open(ctx, name): """Create a new group to assign future analyses to. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param name: The name of the group to be created (autogenerated if empty) """ resp: GroupCreationResponse = ctx["client"].create_group(group_name=name) write_or_print("Opened group with ID {} and name '{}'".format(, @group.command("close") @click.argument("identifiers", nargs=-1, required=True) @click.pass_obj def group_close(ctx, identifiers): """Close/seal an existing group. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param identifiers: The group ID(s) to seal """ for identifier in identifiers: resp: GroupCreationResponse = ctx["client"].seal_group(group_id=identifier) write_or_print("Closed group with ID {} and name '{}'".format(, @analysis.command("list") @click.option( "--number", default=5, type=click.IntRange(min=1, max=100), # ~ 5 requests à 20 entries show_default=True, help="The number of most recent analysis jobs to display", ) @click.pass_obj def analysis_list(ctx, number): """Get a list of submitted analyses. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param number: The number of analysis jobs to display :return: """ result = AnalysisListResponse(analyses=[], total=0) try: offset = 0 while True: resp = ctx["client"].analysis_list(offset=offset) if not resp.analyses: break offset += len(resp.analyses) result.analyses.extend(resp.analyses) if len(result.analyses) >= number: break # trim result to desired result number LOGGER.debug( result = AnalysisListResponse(analyses=result[:number], except MythXAPIError: raise click.UsageError( ( "This functionality is only available to registered users. " "Head over to and register a free account to " "list your past analyses. Alternatively, you can look up the " "status of a specific job by calling 'mythx analysis status <uuid>'." ) ) write_or_print(FORMAT_RESOLVER[ctx["fmt"]].format_analysis_list(result)) @analysis.command("report") @click.argument("uuids", default=None, nargs=-1) @click.option( "--min-severity", type=click.Choice(["low", "medium", "high"]), help="Ignore SWC IDs below the designated level", default=None, ) @click.option("--swc-blacklist", type=click.STRING, help="A comma-separated list of SWC IDs to ignore", default=None) @click.pass_obj def analysis_report(ctx, uuids, min_severity, swc_blacklist): """Fetch the report for a single or multiple job UUIDs. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :param uuids: List of UUIDs to display the report for :param min_severity: Ignore SWC IDs below the designated level :param swc_blacklist: A comma-separated list of SWC IDs to ignore :return: """ for uuid in uuids: resp = ctx["client"].report(uuid) inp = ctx["client"].request_by_uuid(uuid) ctx["uuid"] = uuid util.filter_report(resp, min_severity=min_severity, swc_blacklist=swc_blacklist) util.set_fail_on_high_severity_report(resp) write_or_print(FORMAT_RESOLVER[ctx["fmt"]].format_detected_issues(resp, inp)) sys.exit(ctx["retval"]) @cli.command() @click.pass_obj def version(ctx): """Display API version information. \f :param ctx: Click context holding group-level parameters :return: """ resp = ctx["client"].version() write_or_print(FORMAT_RESOLVER[ctx["fmt"]].format_version(resp)) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(cli()) # pragma: no cover