Source code for mythx_cli.formatter.tabular

"""This module contains a tabular data formatter class printing a subset of the response data."""

from collections import defaultdict

from mythx_models.response import (
from tabulate import tabulate

from .base import BaseFormatter
from .util import get_source_location_by_offset

[docs]class TabularFormatter(BaseFormatter):
[docs] @staticmethod def format_analysis_list(resp: AnalysisListResponse) -> str: """Format an analysis list response to a tabular representation.""" data = [ (a.uuid, a.status, a.client_tool_name, a.submitted_at) for a in resp.analyses ] return tabulate(data, tablefmt="fancy_grid")
[docs] @staticmethod def format_analysis_status(resp: AnalysisStatusResponse) -> str: """Format an analysis status response to a tabular representation.""" data = ((k, v) for k, v in resp.analysis.to_dict().items()) return tabulate(data, tablefmt="fancy_grid")
[docs] @staticmethod def format_detected_issues( resp: DetectedIssuesResponse, inp: AnalysisInputResponse ) -> str: """Format an issue report to a tabular representation.""" res = [] file_to_issue = defaultdict(list) for report in resp.issue_reports: for issue in report.issues: # handle fake issues for trial users if issue.swc_id == "" and issue.swc_title == "" and not issue.locations: res.extend((issue.description_long, "")) for loc in issue.locations: for c in loc.source_map.components: # This is so nested, a barn swallow might be hidden somewhere. source_list = loc.source_list or report.source_list if not (source_list and 0 >= c.file_id < len(source_list)): continue filename = report.source_list[c.file_id] if not inp.sources or filename not in inp.sources: line = "bytecode offset {}".format(c.offset) else: line = get_source_location_by_offset( inp.sources[filename]["source"], c.offset ) file_to_issue[filename].append( ( line, issue.swc_title, issue.severity, issue.description_short, ) ) for filename, data in file_to_issue.items(): res.append("Report for {}".format(filename)) res.append( tabulate( data, tablefmt="fancy_grid", headers=("Line", "SWC Title", "Severity", "Short Description"), ) ) return "\n".join(res)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_version(resp: VersionResponse) -> str: """Format a version response to a tabular representation.""" data = ((k.title(), v) for k, v in resp.to_dict().items()) return tabulate(data, tablefmt="fancy_grid")